Nordic Walking 27 July

Just two weeks till our next Clifton WI event, which offers an excellent opportunity to try out Nordic walking with a beginners' lesson amongst friends, led by the experts!
If you can walk, you can Nordic walk - but Nordic walking increases your fitness levels far, far more than 'ordinary' walking and not only burns lots more calories but will tone your entire body, especially waist and triceps, so what's not to like?
To ensure there are enough instructors and poles for everybody we do need numbers by Monday morning 25 July, so it's important that you let us know by emailing if you haven't already put your name down at a Clifton WI meeting.
For more information go to

Walkers meet near Cafe Retreat on the Downs (just beyond the water tower) and tuition will start promptly at 7.30pm. If you're not walking you can join us at the King's Arms any time from 8pm for a social evening, and the walkers will join us later on.

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