Contact & Membership

Monthly Meetings

We meet face to face on the last Wednesday of each month in the rear hall of Alma Church: 
29 St. Johns Road, Clifton, BS8 2ES.

All women are welcome to visit or join Clifton WI. 

Annual Membership of the WI starts in April and the membership fee for 2024 is £48.00. Renewing members, please update your details using the WI template form renewal.

Clifton WI receives about half of the membership fee - £22.60. We spend approximately 2/3 of our subs income on hiring the Alma Hall. Like most branches, we supplement this by fund-raising in various ways through the year. We also try to support other local charities from time to time.

Paying your annual subs
We are able to pay our membership renewal by BACS transfer in advance of the April meeting.

To pay by BACS please

1.   Ensure you put your name in the reference line on your transfer. This is critical so that we can correctly attribute all the credits we receive into the account.
2.   Make your BACS transfer no later than end of day on 1st April
3.   Transfer £48.00 to 
         Account No: 23438360       
         Sort Code: 30-99-08

Joining during the year
Membership is available part-way through the year for new members.  You will pay a pro-rata amount :

1 July to 30 Sept              £36.00
1 Oct to 31 Dec                £24.00
1 Jan to 31 March             £12.00

Dual membership is also available if you would like to become a member of one of our sister WIs in Durdham Down Group or indeed any other WI.

Visiting Clifton WI
Non-members can make up to 3 visits per year to a branch of the WI, after which you are invited to commit to membership. Visitors to Clifton WI are asked to pay £5 per visit.

Contact Details
Annually we ask for updated membership details during the renewal period to ensure the National WI database (the MCS) holds correct information for you.

Please email us to update your contact details if they change so you can continue to receive WI Life and other information from us.

Clifton WI Committee
Committee for 2023/24
Adele Gardner - President
Nicola Rew & Jenny Ripper - Secretary
Helen Bowen - Treasurer
Alyx Terzano - Membership & Publicity
Cheryl McKeon - Programme Manager
Sue Easmon - Consultant

What does the Committee do?
We work as a team to keep Clifton WI thriving, but we could always use some help.  Many hands make light work, and we are always keen to co-opt interested members to bring a fresh perspective.

How much of my time would it take?
The committee meets once a month at a member's house, and meetings usually start at 7.30pm. The dates are flexible to accommodate other interests - we're all busy women! 
Most committee members volunteer to take responsibility for a particular job, eg providing the refreshments and organising the kitchen rota, or putting together the raffle and other fundraising efforts. 

Sounds interesting, what next?
As a new committee member you would not be expected to assume responsibility for anything in particular, but once you settle in you'll probably be keen to volunteer with some peer support initially. It's a rewarding task and there's always plenty of back-up from your colleagues and AFWI, so please come forward if you would like to help shape Clifton WI.

If you might like to join the committee, please ask any of us about it. We'll be happy to tell you what we do and invite you to a meeting.

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