May meeting - Indoor Garden Party and celebration - 25th May
2022 is the 70th anniversary of the accession of Queen Elizabeth II. At Clifton WI we have decided to mark the Platinum Jubilee (or Jubbly!) with a party. All members are invited to come along for games, reminiscences, a chance to raise a toast and enjoy party food together. 8.00pm start (or a little earlier if you would like to help us set up) We will have a quiz, plant stall, some suitably royal themed games and a memorabilia 'show and tell' Members are welcome to invite visitors to join us. It would be helpful if you could let us know ( in advance to ensure we have enough food and drink to share. We will charge the usual £5.00 visitor attendance rate but the evening is free for members. What do you have to do? Wear something in red 🔴, white ⚪and blue 🔵if possible. If you run to a hat 👒and handbag 👜for a bit of fun all the better! Bring your memorabilia If you have anything linked to previous royal anniversaries you would be happy to sho