Some events and ideas for Clifton WI members over this summer

Clifton WI members like to get out and about in smaller groups for outings and visits.  

We have some planned dates and ideas so do come along to our next meeting on April 26th or look out for your next newsletter in your inbox for further details.

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In May a group are heading to Hanham Court Gardens, in July we have our annual meeting 'on the hoof' when we go for a walk ending in a local pub.  In addition, some will be going to find out a bit more of the shady history of life in Bedminster on a guided walk and we are also thinking of planning a visit to the hidden parts of Clifton Suspension Bridge.  

This is in addition to monthly meetings and all our social groups getting together for theatre trips, meals or to review books and play a variety of games.

Interested in joining Clifton WI?

If you would like to join us, the first step could be to visit us at a monthly meeting.

For details see the green box next to this post or contact us at our email 

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