
Showing posts from March, 2019

Durdham Down Group Outing this summer.

University of Bristol Botanic Garden Visit. The Holmes Stoke Park Road Stoke Bishop Bristol BS9 1JG Durdham Down Group (DDG) Saturday 6 th July 2109 at 2.00pm Guided tours, lasting approximately an hour and a half, have been arranged for the DDG at the University of Bristol Botanic Garden. This will be the opportunity to experience a unique display of plants to enchant us all; explore the glasshouses to find succulents, orchids and a Giant Amazon Waterlily; visit the unique Sacred Lotus collection; discover prehistoric plants that dinosaurs ate and learn about the collection of rare and threatened natives. The cost of the tour will be £8.00 per person (includes £6.00 entrance fee), however, “ Friends of the Garden” pay a reduced rate of £2/head for the tour. Tours do take place in most weathers so please come suitably equipped. The Guides will make full use of the glasshouses if the weather is inclement. There will be the opportunity to have tea/ coffee

The Women Who Built Bristol and other news

Well! Our last meeting was lots of fun! Emma Britton talked about her life in the BBC and we raffled a nice collection of regifted Christmas presents.  Before our next meeting will be our tour of BBC Bristol, so those of us going will have the chance to see where Emma works her magic. Next Meeting, March 27 th This should be interesting!  Jane Duffus is coming to tell us about  “The Women Who Built Bristol” . As well as being a long term freelance journalist and editor, Jane is well known locally for running ‘What the Frock’ comedy events, showcasing female comedians at a time when space for them in the mainstream of comedy was limited. She is also an active feminist, member of the Fawcett Society and endurance runner. She is telling us about some of the characters she assembled for her celebratory book about Bristol’s amazing women over the ages. There will be a little bit of business to attend to, including the result of the Resolutions vote, feedback on a drumming wor