As you'll know if you were at the last meeting, Amanda Webb has very kindly offered to direct an Entertainment for us to perform at our AGM in October, aided by her colleague Gill Loats. For newcomers who might not yet know, Amanda is a founding member and past President of Clifton WI and she and Gill write and direct the annual Hotwells and Southville pantos and produce the annual fashion show for Recession. The format and content of the Entertainment is very much open to suggestions from members and will be tailored to the talents and enthusiasms of the performers, and we're looking for volunteers to join the team either to perform in some capacity or to help to organise and manage this entertainment, to be performed For One Night Only to fellow members. It's likely to be very loosely based on the WI in this Centenary year, but whatever form it takes it's guaranteed to be great fun for all involved. Amanda envisages that the production would involve four or five