
Additions to our gallery

If you have any images from previous Clifton WI activities and events you are happy to share, please send us an email or get in touch with a committee member.

2023 Christmas Party 
We had a lovely celebration at the Eastfield Inn, featuring delicious food, fun with skittles, and plenty of sparkling conversation with friends!

15th Birthday Party
The Clifton WI turned 15 at our November 2023 meeting - we celebrated with sparklers and a cheeky toast!

From time to time we get together to visit somewhere we think will be interesting such as our visit to Goldney Hall.
It can be a good way to get to know a smaller group of Clifton WI members.

We had an interesting, if slightly unnerving, visit to Arnos Vale Burial Ground to learn about some of the dubious goings on in previous centuries whilst exploring the parts of the site which have been relieved of their brambles and vegetation. Charlotte was our excellent guide and a cuppa was enjoyed in the Autumn sunshine afterwards.

As part of our planned excursions in 2023 a group of us went to see what the immersive experience Wake the Tiger was all about and the obligatory refreshments afterwards!

Clifton Suspension Bridge Vaults Group Tour July 2023
This was very interesting and we scrambled down the ladder for an explore of a part of the bridge we had no idea existed.  Our Guides were very helpful and knowledgeable!    


Possibly our specialist subject! We enjoy a number of sub groups focused on the lovely dining out opportunities in the Clifton area.  


We had a go at Eastern Dancing in 2021 at one meeting.  It was fun and kept us fit.  

Veils and (virtual) pot carrying was involved

Looking after ourselves and a bit of pampering never goes amiss! 
Learning facial and hand massage techniques, March 2022:


Making a Christmas wreath with Maddie in November 2022


Puzzling away at our Christmas party in December 2022 (with cake!)

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