NY Times Resolutions January 2018 is a time for resolutions and not just those related to eating well. WI resolutions should reflect the view of Clifton Members by the end of this month. The shortlist of resolutions will need to be voted on at the January meeting on the 31st or by posting the voting slip in your copy of WI Life directly to the NFWI. Here is the shortlist as a reminder: 1. Positive body image in a digital age This meeting urges every WI and the NFWI to campaign to ensure that government and the media industry promote healthy body images and ensure diversity is represented in the media. 2. Stop female genital mutilation Almost 200,000 women and girls in England and Wales are affected by or threatened with the risk of female genital mutilation (FGM). This figure rises to 200 million worldwide. FGM is illegal in the UK, but it is still happening. We ur...