New year, new members!

Clifton WI extend a very warm welcome to all members and visitors, and particularly our new members for 2016. We hope you will quickly make new friends and feel at home in the WI community.

Please do make use of the website! You'll find lots of useful and interesting information and links.

We look forward to welcoming more new and renewing members at our February meeting and we also hope to be saying hello to several more visitors who expressed an interest and took leaflets at the Royal York Gardens Christmas Fayre. Visitors may attend any WI branch meeting up to three times a year, by which time we hope they will have decided to join!

Whether you are renewing or joining for the first time, it is hugely helpful to us all if you will print out and complete the membership form in advance, and bring it - preferably with a cheque, please, but cash if that's not possible - to the meeting. (Unfortunately the NFWI does not yet support online payments, but they're working on it.)

The membership form will be attached to the usual pre-meeting email and sent to all recent members and visitors, but if you aren't yet on our mailing list please email and we'll email you a copy.

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