Wanted: Preserves and Baking for 5 December!

The Royal York Gardens Fayre, now in its 7th year, is held on the Royal York Crescent promenade on Saturday 5 December from 11 to 3.30 and offers a delightful mix of festive stalls, carol singers, barbecue, mulled wine/cider and more. Clifton WI is running a baking & preserves stall at which we hope to recruit some new members as well as sell some lovely home-made produce for funds.

We don't need any more help to run the stall, but we do need goodies to sell!

If you're making seasonal chutneys, jams or mincemeat please make a bit extra and bring some to the meeting on 25 November. We'll also need cakes and biscuits of any kind, size and shape - some we'll slice and sell to be eaten there and then, and some will be offered whole - smaller cakes are particularly useful for selling whole, so we'll be very grateful for some smaller loaves or 15cm sandwich cakes.

If you can, bring baked goods on the day and stay on to visit the Fayre, or if you can't make it then we're hoping to arrange a drop-off point on the Friday evening - details will be posted later.

All produce, whether preserves or baking, needs to be labelled with its type and its main ingredients (e.g. "coffee and walnut cake - ingredients , sugar, flour, eggs, walnuts and coffee essence" or similar.) Gluten-free/wheat-free baking would also be much appreciated and of course should be labelled as such.

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