October is AGM month, and Clifton WI is famous (notorious?) for speedy dispatch of the business. Once that's done and dusted - hopefully in ten minutes or so! - and you've charged your glasses, the fun bit begins.

HATS ON FOR THE WI CENTENARY is a review written and performed by members of Clifton WI under the direction of Amanda Webb (founder member and past President of Clifton WI) and Gill Loates, who between them have been masterminding the annual Hotwells Panto and many other productions for quite some years.

HATS ON FOR THE WI CENTENARY is a hilarious account of a series of imaginary (and real!) WI meetings through the last 100 years. Despite the humorous treatment, we bring some real history in introducing some of the landmark WI campaigns and resolutions that have transformed women's lives over the years - some of which were quite inflammatory and well before their time, but eventually the world caught up with the WI and our campaigns were at last absorbed into legislation.

We hope that some members will come costumed as if they were attending a WI meeting from years gone by, but if you're one of those who don't "do" fancy dress, well you can always come dressed for a 2015 WI meeting!! There will be a prize for the best hat so we're hoping for lots of entries. No rules, just use your imagination and Amanda will pick a winner from the Hat Parade.

After the entertainment there will be a finger buffet supper. Sue Glennie-Smith will be looking for people to sign up to bring finger foods and if you don't catch her at the September meeting please email her on sue.glennie-smith@talk21.com to volunteer.

Lastly for now, guests will be especially welcome so please bring your female friends and neighbours to enjoy this most unusual AGM! We have also invited all members of Durdham Downs Group so we are hoping for a very well-attended meeting.

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