2 summer events for Clifton WI members

 Fancy seeing some of the usually hidden aspects of Clifton Suspension Bridge?

We have a chance to go an a vaults guided tour on Saturday 1st July at 12.30.  We will meet at the Visitor Centre on the Leigh Woods side of the Bridge.

We have a few spaces so if you would like to come but want to bring a friend please just contact us at thecliftonwi@gmail.com.  Helen who is organising this trip for us will be contacting members to confirm numbers and payment in the next few days.

Payment will depend on numbers as it is a group booking.

As long as you are physically fit and feel confident to go up and down a 15-rung vertical ladder, it will be an experience to remember. Marvel at the feat of engineering in its historical context and enjoy the array of stalactites and rock formations with our knowledgeable and entertaining guide

A couple of members Helen and Nicky are going to try their hand at lawn bowls on Saturday July 15th.  They would love some other Clifton WI members to join them for the evening.

This is an event organised by the Durdham Down Group for local WI members to get together. 

It will be at Redland lawn Bowls Club with an optional Ploughman's Supper after our session and starts at 6.00pm. 

To play bowls cost = £7 Ploughman’s Supper = £6 

There is a paying bar in the Club House. 

NB Flat shoes are required to be worn on the green 

If you don’t want to play bowls, why not come along to watch and enjoy a social evening. 

Numbers and pre-payment are required by 8th July. 

Please make your payment by BACs to the Clifton WI Account, putting your name and Bowls in the reference: Sort Code: 30-99-08 Account: 23438360

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