
Showing posts from May, 2022

May meeting - Indoor Garden Party and celebration - 25th May

 2022 is the 70th anniversary of the accession of Queen Elizabeth II.   At Clifton WI we have decided to mark the Platinum Jubilee (or Jubbly!) with a party.   All members are invited to come along for games, reminiscences, a chance to raise a toast and enjoy party food together.  8.00pm start (or a little earlier if you would like to help us set up) We will have a quiz, plant stall, some suitably royal themed games and a memorabilia 'show and tell' Members are welcome to invite visitors to join us.   It would be helpful if you could let us know ( in advance to ensure we have enough food and drink to share.  We will charge the usual £5.00 visitor attendance rate but the evening is free for members.   What do you have to do? Wear something in red 🔴, white ⚪and blue 🔵if possible.  If you run to a hat 👒and handbag 👜for a bit of fun all the better! Bring your memorabilia If you have anything linked to previous royal anniversaries you would be happy to sho

April meeting - Climate Change with Nikki Jones - some further information

 Nikki came to our April meeting and provided some interesting if rather troubling details about the challenge we all face with climate change and its impact on the world's environment.  Ironically in a chilly hall we all had a chance to ask Nikki lots of questions.  She has since forwarded some suggested further resources: For those with a Netflix subscription the programme Breaking Boundaries  hosted by David Attenborough is recommended  On U Tube a webinar from Australia was recommended:  Climate Change - how worried should we be? Closer to home the  West Bristol Climate Action  Group is a helpful resource with lots of information leaflets and links to local organisations and businesses providing services aimed at reducing our individual climate 'footprint'