
Showing posts from February, 2015


Appropriately for Clifton WI with its THREE dining groups, we have George Cooper telling us how to eat in order to live a longer, happier life. We'll be raffling George's book Be Your Own Nutritionist, which of course he'll be happy to sign. And if you're not the lucky winner, he'll have copies on sale. Also at Wednesday's meeting: If you haven't yet renewed your subscription (due last month) then please bring £36 cash or cheque payable to Clifton WI Remember your own first visit to Clifton WI - if you see a new face go and introduce yourself! If you've ordered theatre tickets remember they need to be paid for now - check your emails for Jane's confirmation of payments due Patsy will be taking names and payment for the trip to Street with guided tour of the Shoe Museum (16 April - £5) If you want to vote for the new members of the WI Board of Trustees remember 15 March is the deadline so do look on the NFWI website here and you can give L

National Federation elections to the Board of Trustees

All members are invited to vote for their preferred candidates for the NFWI Board of Trustees. Details are in your WI Life magazine and on the NFWI website - go to The count takes place on 2 April so our ballot paper has to be posted before our March meeting. You may cast your vote for your 12 chosen candidates directly with Lorna at the February meeting, or you may email your list of candidates to by 15 March and Lorna will add your vote to the ballot paper.

Scrabble anyone?

Clifton WI now has a new Board & Card Games group, meeting fortnightly on Tuesdays at the Alma Tavern, Alma Vale Rd. Organiser Eli Whitaker says: "We will play games like Scrabble, Ludo etc & have a social time. Please email uk  to find out the dates."