
Showing posts from January, 2015

Re-gifting II

Thanks to all you generous members who brought in Christmas presents to recycle - so many that Julia had difficulty finding room for them all on the table! Business was brisk and we made almost £45.

Andrew Hilton, Shakespeare at the Tobacco Factory

There was a full house for the January meeting of Clifton WI with a significant number of brand new members and visitors. Andrew's talk took the form of an interview, beginning with an introduction and questions from Paulene, but Andrew's engaging manner and his frank (but tactful!) anecdotes soon brought questions flowing from the audience. We learnt of the early difficulties of tempting the best actors away from well-paid roles in London (no such problems now!), of the challenge of technical problems encountered and overcome at the Tobacco Factory, and of the major changes in the training and development of theatre directors over the last 30 years. SATTF has been a groundbreaking force in live Shakespeare productions and the glowing reviews from the UK's most respected theatre critics continue to roll in. Jane Golding is booking tickets for the Clifton WI Theatre Group as follows: Romeo and Juliet  on Tuesday, 10th March at 7:30pm.  Seats G 20-22 and F 20-27 at £19 pe

January is the time for ... re-gifting!

The fundraising enterprise at our January meeting next Wednesday is all about the Christmas presents that don't quite work for you.  If it's the wrong colour/size/shape/smell for you, if it's got too many calories/not enough carats or if the style is too hippie/conservative, then bring it along for our re-gifting table and it'll probably be perfect for somebody else. Everything will be either £1, £3 or £5 so whether it's a bar of soap or a silk scarf it can be priced appropriately.   If you're so lucky that every single present was just perfect, you don't need to feel left out, just buy something! 

Next week's meeting

On Wednesday 28 January we have Andrew Hilton, the founder and Artistic Director of Shakespeare at the Tobacco Factory, coming to talk to us. He'll be answering questions and telling the inside story of his nationally-acclaimed company, which makes Shakespeare's plays come alive in such an accessible way in the intimate setting of the TobFac, without compromising on the original text. We would like to attract women of all ages to this meeting, so do bring your mother, daughter, sister, friends or neighbours - non-members pay just £4.

The Shoe Museum at Street

On Thursday 16 April the Museum Curator will give Clifton WI a private guided tour of the Shoe Museum at Street. Cost will be £5 - names to Paulene please. The plan is to meet there at 11.30 and afterwards we can enjoy lunch in Street and some retail therapy at Clarks Village. A number of us (who may or may not have a bus pass!) intend to go by bus, departing about 9.15 from the bus station and arriving at Street at 11ish. It's 45 miles and by car it will take about an hour. And quite a bit of fuel. And parking charges. And somebody's got to drive ...

Do you sometimes feel like murder on Valentine's Day?

If you're happily single perhaps you wince at all the media and commercial hype of Valentine's Day. Well here's an idea how to get away from it all, AND have a lovely dinner amongst like-minded people with excellent service (which you won't get anywhere else on Valentine's Night!!) and superb B&B.