26th January monthly meeting - The realities of fostering and Resolutions

 Leona Blenman from Capstones  Fostercare will join us this month to explain what is happening in the world of fostering at this time. It is likely to be an interesting and thought provoking session to start our new year of meetings.


Each year the WI follows a democratic process to adopt resolutions focussed on women and girls. The first step is for each branch or group to decide which to support

The WI Life Magazine which is sent to current members has details of the proposed resolutions for 2022.  There are more details about each available.  We will vote for our preferred resolution and forward this to join other local groups and then the national view.


We are also going to try a new layout of our seating in the Alma Hall to ensure we reduce risks associated from COVID and leave more doors open or ajar for ventilation.  Please let any of the committee know what you think about these changes or any other suggestions to make us as safe as possible.

Many thanks

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