October News

Caroline Walton, Personal stylist, helped us decide whether we were apples, pears, strawberries or rectangles as well as giving us tips on what those body shapes should wear.
On September, the 26th, the Annual Meeting of the Avon Federation of WI’s took place at the Winter Gardens Pavilion, Weston- Super-Mare. There was the usual business, followed by the Chair’s address which this year was about change and how we deal with it. We were advised “not to live in the past lane!"
There were two speakers – Steve Loader, the Port Chaplain from Portbury Docks and Amanda Owen, The Yorkshire Shepherdess. Steve told heart warming stories of how he is able to provide practical, emotional and sometimes spiritual support to seafarers, from all over the world, who are away from home for long periods of time. Amanda gave an entertaining account of her journey to becoming a shepherdess, wife, mother of nine, writer and hill farmer.
October is Annual Meeting time. We will be saying “thank you” to the present committee and saying “farewell” to Barbara, Jan and Sally who are standing down. Some present members, Eileen, Sue, Dianne, Vanessa and Val are willing to stand again. Helen has agreed to be Treasurer and Ann and Dina to join. There is still room for more – so please, if you would like to play a part in your WI  please let us know.
At the meeting we will be signing off the Annual Report and the Financial Statement. You should all have received copies of these documents. If, having read them, you have any queries or questions please email them (thecliftonwi@gmail.com) by Monday 28th October.
Pete Quin, will be our speaker this month. Many will recall Pete’s entertaining and interesting talks on Astronomy and Rockets. This month Pete, “An Accidental Musician” will give a musical presentation in the form of singing and telling us about his journey as a professional musician. There will be an opportunity for us to join in!
Denman College Bursary Raffle
We will be drawing the raffle at the end of the evening. The October meeting will be the last chance to buy raffle tickets for generous bursaries for Denman College. The lucky winner will receive a voucher for £360 (which covers most 2 day courses) and the "runner up" a  voucher for £150 which covers a one day non-residential course. This is an ideal opportunity to enjoy the Denman experience.  If you want to know more about courses on offer then visit https://www.denman.org.uk/courses. Please note there will be no cash alternative. 
Zentangle has been cancelled. Instead Simon Rye will be talking about his charitable work in India setting up schools and  teaching children from "slum" areas.
The Christmas Party is on Wednesday 11th December at 99 Queens, Queens Road, Clifton BS8 1LW, starting at 7.45pm. There will be a buffet, quiz and raffle. Tickets, £15.00, will be on sale at the October and November meetings.

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