WI newsletter
July 2019

Last month:
Well that was amazing. Your committee have been washing their hands with real care since Prof. Mark Fielder talked to us about “Antibiotic resistance in man and animals. Have we reached break point?” This highly technical talk was easy to follow and informative without losing the real science. And who knew that our Membership Secretary had been an early colleague and mentor to such a distinguished scientist? I wonder what other hidden gems we have amongst our members?

Coming up: The JULY WALK!
This year our walk has been organised by Co-President Eileen and has been carefully checked out by her and Patsy Rose. It looks interesting:

Clifton Squares Walk
Join us at the corner of Berkeley Square, just up from The Botanist at 7.30pm for a "briesurely" (not brisk but a bit more than leisurely!) walk through some of Clifton Squares, spotting plaques to the famous and not so famous celebrities as we go.  It won't be a surprise to you that this is a pavement walk, with one incline and some steps along the way. It should take about an hour and a half ending at the Pumphouse, Merchants Road at around 9.00pm.  Hopefully we can sit outside to enjoy a drink in the late evening sunshine joined by anyone not wishing to walk.  

From your Committee
            URGENT:We will need new people on the Committee for the coming year, starting in October. If you are interested, please talk to any of us or come along and see what it’s like. We have some interest at present but no-one definite and several long-serving members are standing down. Don’t be put off by the idea of ‘work’. It’s fun and interesting and we all work together to make things go well, so no-one has too much to do. We even go out for meals together every now and then!

            Christmas Party:We are on the hunt for a venue for this year’s Christmas Party. The venue we had expected to use has put up its prices massively for December so we have cancelled that one and are now looking for new ideas. The venue needs to be cheap, cater for about 30-35 people and be available on 11thDecember. Any suggestions welcome! 

            Litter picking:This idea has been welcomed with enthusiasm. Eileen is exploring ways to arrange it and we are looking in to buying some suitable equipment. More on this very soon.

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