Big Data and Artificial Intelligence

Tonight's Talk
Big Data and Artificial Intelligence! The title of tonight's presentation by Heather Child seems really timely in light of recent scandals with Cambridge Analytica, Facebook and Instagram involving improper use of our data and online threats to our democratic process. Heather is an author living locally. Your blogger has read her first novel, "Everything About You", and was completely absorbed in her compelling presentation of a possible near future where the online world threads through every aspect of life, almost taking on a life of its own. Her next novel, "The Undoing of Arlo Knott", is out later this year and looks just as interesting. Alongside writing, Heather is a marketer and communications professional working in the charity sector.

Last Month
Jane Duffus flooded us with stories of local women through history. So many women! It was strange to realise how many important local people were largely lost to history, probably because they were women. It was nice to meet some of them at last.

Time of meetings
Please don't come too early! The church have asked us not to turn up before 7.30 as that might impede another group using the hall. Once we have access, we need to set up, so if you want to come between 7.30 and 7.45 bring your muscles and energy! We are happy to see everyone else from 7.45, when we aim to start serving refreshments.

Plant sale
Advance warning: next month, please bring your spare plants for us to sell to each other.

Durdham Down Group Event, Saturday 6th July
We will be passing round the signing up sheet for this tonight. It should be a fun event.

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