Dates for your diary

Party time

In August Clifton WI will be 10 years old and we will be celebrating.

Please come along to the June meeting, contact us at for any queries or see your members monthly newsletter emails for further details.

We will supply :                               
A Birthday cake 
Silly Games!                           
Lots of chances to chat!

We would like you to supply:         
Yourself in your favourite party outfit 
Finger food
A posy of flowers in a jam jar
2 photos of yourself one aged around 10 years and one now
old/damaged crockery                                                                    

We look forward to seeing you at Alma Church Hall on August 29th for our party

Alma Street Fair

This is on Saturday August 11th and we are hoping to have a stand. Previously we have that this is a good way to introduce ourselves to people in Clifton as well as offering some goodies and raising funds for ourselves and our nominated good cause.

It is good fun but doesn't just happen by itself, so ......

We will need someone to coordinate it, lots of helpers and lots of goodies to sell. Previous stalls have gone really well so this should be a good opportunity for us to meet local women, recruit and earn a tiny bit of money.

If you would like to be involved in arranging this, helping us on the day or just to find out more please contact us at 

There are pictures of our previous stands at events around Clifton on our gallery

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