MS Study participants wanted

We've received the following request from Bryony Bennett-Lloyd at The University of Bristol Clinical Research and Imaging Centre (CRIC) who seeks to recruit female volunteers. Several members at the November meeting were interested, and if you'd like to be part of this study please arrange things direct with the University department as requested below.

"We are doing a brain imaging study to look at the parts of the brain involved in attention and fatigue. Our aim is to find an objective and quantitative measurement of fatigue in Multiple Sclerosis, therefore improving diagnosis and clinical care for MS patients suffering from fatigue.

"We are recruiting female healthy volunteers in or near the South West to participate in our non-interventional study and wondered if your members might be interested or might know people who would be.The participants we require are females, ideally aged between 45 and 70.

"The study would involve lying in an MRI scanner for 55-60 minutes and having your brain scanned whilst you do a simple attention task. Travel expenses will be covered by the research team, and the study has been fully ethically approved.

"For those who meet the criteria and are interested in taking part in our study please email or call 0117 342 1505 for further information."

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