Durdham Downs Group meeting TOMORROW EVENING

There's room for a couple more from Clifton WI at the Bowls and Bakes event which Gloucester Road WI are hosting tomorrow evening from 7pm. Entry is £3 and it takes place at the St Andrews Bowling Club on Derby Road, which leads off Sommerville Road near the top corner of St Andrews Park.

You can buy tasting tokens and vote on your favourite entry - categories include several types of cake and bread, biscuits and pies, so what a great chance to try out some new flavours ... and isn't it always true that somebody else's home cooking is such a treat! (Plus I've heard a rumour of Pimm's ...)

Meanwhile you can lose a few of those cake-induced calories by trying out lawn bowls, tutored by the experts at St Andrews Bowling Club. You must wear flat shoes (or bare feet?) though!

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